1. 什么是hugo
The world’s fastest framework for building websites.
Hugo是一个非常受欢迎的、开源的静态网站生成工具,和Hexo类似。 它速度快,扩展性强.
更多的关于Hugo的介绍,请参考Hugo的官网 https://gohugo.io/ .
2. 安装 hugo
从Github Release页面下载对应的二进制文件,然后把它放在你的PATH目录里即可使用。支持任何平台,根据自己的平台选择相应的二进制包即可。 github链接:https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo
cp hugo /usr/bin/hugo
chmod +x /usr/bin/hugo
3. 使用hugo创建站点
hugo new site workerwork.github.io-site
4. 给站点添加主题
cd workerwork.github.io-site
git init
git submodule add https://github.com/rujews/maupassant-hugo themes/maupassant
# Edit your config.toml configuration file
# and add the maupassant theme.
echo 'theme = "maupassant"' >> config.toml
5. 配置config.toml
baseURL = "https://workerwork.github.io"
languageCode = "zh-CN"
title = "WorkSpace"
theme = "maupassant"
name = "dongfeng"
author = "dongfeng"
subtitle = "专注于C、Python、Go语言(golang)、shell、项目管理、软件架构"
keywords = "golang,go语言,go语言笔记,dongfeng,python,c,博客,项目管理,软件架构,公众号,小程序"
description = "专注于IT互联网,包括但不限于Go语言(golang)、C、Python、项目管理、抖音分析、软件架构等"
identifier = "books"
name = "新书"
url = "/books/"
weight = 2
identifier = "archives"
name = "归档"
url = "/archives/"
weight = 3
identifier = "about"
name = "关于"
url = "/about/"
weight = 4
title = "bing搜索"
name = "bing搜索"
url = "https://cn.bing.com/"
title = "baidu搜索"
name = "baidu搜索"
url = "http://www.baidu.com/"
title = "千千静听"
name = "千千静听"
url = "http://music.taihe.com/"
title = "git服务器"
name = "git服务器"
url = ""
title = "jenkins服务器"
name = "jenkins服务器"
url = ""
title = "测试jenkins服务器"
name = "测试jenkins服务器"
url = ""
title = "本地网盘"
name = "本地网盘"
url = ""
title = "drone服务器"
name = "drone服务器"
url = ""
title = "本地蚂蚁笔记"
name = "本地蚂蚁笔记"
url = ""
# Valine.
# You can get your appid and appkey from https://leancloud.cn
# more info please open https://valine.js.org
enable = true
appId = '2t4DpILldEkd0cGL96gyV1IM-gzGzoHsz'
appKey = 'YVysijaVMqjziCECLGL8jnCh'
notify = false # mail notifier , https://github.com/xCss/Valine/wiki
verify = false # Verification code
avatar = 'mm'
placeholder = '说点什么吧...'
visitor = true
6. 添加评论功能组件
vim themes/maupassant/layouts/partials/comments.html
<!-- valine -->
{{- if .Site.Params.valine.enable -}}
<!-- id 将作为查询条件 -->
<div id="vcomments"></div>
<script src="//cdn1.lncld.net/static/js/3.0.4/av-min.js"></script>
<script src='//unpkg.com/valine/dist/Valine.min.js'></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
new Valine({
el: '#vcomments' ,
appId: '{{ .Site.Params.valine.appId }}',
appKey: '{{ .Site.Params.valine.appKey }}',
notify: '{{ .Site.Params.valine.notify }}',
verify: '{{ .Site.Params.valine.verify }}',
avatar:'{{ .Site.Params.valine.avatar }}',
placeholder: '{{ .Site.Params.valine.placeholder }}',
visitor: '{{ .Site.Params.valine.visitor }}'
{{- end -}}
7. 合成静态页面